Cask helps determine incremental and total resources required to support a program by developing cost estimates based on thorough analysis. DoD-approved cost-estimating software allows us to develop statistical analysis and documentation with custom reporting, charting, and what-if analysis capabilities.

Cask Business Case Analyses are actionable, defensible, and decision-oriented. We use BCAs to compare alternatives and make recommendations, analyzing costs and benefits of a chosen course of action, as required by the Office of Management & Budget Circular A-94.

Cask Business and Cost Analytics Services Include:

Cost Estimating

Cask Cost Estimation practitioners bring expertise in the use of ACEIT with other sophisticated analysis tools (such as QSM’s SLIM, Palisade’s @Risk) as well as extensive engineering knowledge to develop estimates that provide a comprehensive view of costs for use in making programmatic decisions.

Business Case Analysis

Cask provides a standard process for developing and using Business Cases to evaluate decisions in the context of an overall acquisition and operational environment. Our ability to adapt and customize the framework to the needs of our clients allows us to develop fully vetted BCA products that ensure you have the necessary decision-quality information to wisely manage fiscal resources.

Analysis of Alternatives

Cask delivers an effective Analysis of Alternatives to help you make efficient decisions for fielding required capabilities. Our process establishes baseline business needs for the organization, then identifies and evaluates costs and benefits of each alternative so a comprehensive recommendation can be made.
